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 Child Custody 

What’s more important than your child and their safety? Nothing. Especially when that child is away from you and in the custody of your ex-partner. Things can get even more bothersome when the trust you once had for your ex-spouse has drastically diminished. Is your ex vindictive and spiteful? Do they feel the need to get the upper hand at any cost? What do you do when shared custody is court ordered but you’re fearful of your ex’s hair-trigger personality? You build a case and you let the experts do it

Child by the Window

professionally. Children are often placed in a precarious position. They don’t feel comfortable being fully transparent and telling the truth for fear of disappointing the other parent, or fear of being harmed. We can’t always rely on the testimony of young children; they’re easily manipulated and often too innocent. The professionals at Superior Alliance Intel are adept at building a thorough and effective case for you. After all, the children deserve a strong advocate.

If your ex is putting your child at risk, abusing, or neglecting your child, or violating the terms of a court-ordered child custody agreement, you need evidence. To help you acquire this evidence, Superior Alliance Intel will conduct covert surveillance and due diligence to find out if the suspicions you have are true.


We will help answer the following questions, as they pertain to your individual case:

  • Is your ex-spouse or ex-partner bringing your child into contact with inappropriate people or unsafe situations?

  • Are they out all night when they’re supposed to be taking care of your child?

  • Are they using approved caretakers?

  • Are they taking your child to school on time?

  • Are they using a car seat as required by law?

  • Are they driving recklessly with your child in the car?

  • Are they abusing drugs or alcohol?

  • Are they engaging in criminal activity?

  • Have there been domestic violence or other complaints about your ex that you don’t know about?

  • Superior Alliance Intel’s highly experienced private investigators will provide you with the necessary documentation – video and photo evidence along with an official written report – required to prove your case in court.


For a free, confidential consultation regarding your child custody issues, call Superior Alliance Intel, today.

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