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Infidelity, cheating, adultery, and affair- words no one ever wants to hear.

Whether it has happened to you before or it is your first suspicion, it’s still one too many times. Nobody should be subjected to the pain and heartache of betrayal. Marital infidelity can be among the most difficult situations you’ll ever

infidelity cheating betrayal

have to navigate. And, while no one ever wants to face the suspicion that a partner has been unfaithful, the only thing worse than having a confirmation of infidelity is living with uncertainty, the self-doubt, and feelings of not being good enough.


Our services are not exclusive to women. Many men are victim of the same heartache. Here, at Superior Alliance Intel, we offer thorough, discreet and judgement-free investigative services to all clients.


How Do I Know If My Spouse is Cheating on Me?

Here are some common signs that generally point to whether your spouse is cheating on you and the need for an investigation:

  1. A sudden increase in unfamiliar phone calls

  2. An unexplained increase in phone or computer use

  3. Deleting text messages, incoming phone calls, emails

  4. Frequent business trips

  5. A sudden improvement in appearance and grooming habits

  6. A decrease in intimacy

  7. An increase in frivolous arguments

  8. Unexplained, erratic behavior

  9. Your own intuition


You might be wondering how it’s possible to catch a cheating lover while maintaining secrecy and not tipping your hand. Call Superior Alliance Intel – the leading investigation agency in the state of Florida– and let us get the answers you deserve!


To help ease your mind, one of our licensed investigators will provide all the tools and resources necessary to determine if you're truly being deceived by infidelity.


Another advantage of choosing our experienced investigators is that because we thoroughly understand the level of difficulty you may face, we will fully consider your fear when it comes to handling your case with the sensitivity it deserves, regardless of the outcome.

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